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CHS Foundation supports university precision agriculture and diversity initiatives

The CHS Foundation recently awarded $1 million to support student learning and success at seven colleges and universities. The funding supported five precision agriculture and two diversity and inclusion projects, including two in Nebraska.   

The CHS Foundation awarded Northeast Community College, Norfolk, Neb., a $250,000 grant to outfit an existing mobile learning lab with more equipment and provide support for taking the simulator into even more high school and college ag classrooms.  The trailer includes activities like soil moisture probes, a two-row precision planter and a variable rate sprayer.  

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln received $80,000 to continue an inclusive student mentor program.  The program will build relationships between minority high school and undergraduate students and agricultural professionals with diverse backgrounds. The goal is to increase women and minority participation in STEM-related agricultural careers.  

“We believe precision agriculture and diversity and inclusion are two of the most pressing issues facing the future of agriculture,” says Nanci Lilja, president, CHS Foundation. “The ag industry needs to be innovative in the way we attract talent and how we evolve our agronomic practices for the future. These seven colleges and universities are delivering on those innovations and have unique approaches to reaching the next generation of ag leaders.”  

The CHS Foundation is funded by gifts from CHS Inc., and develops the next generation of ag leaders through support of cooperative education, ag leadership programs, and university initiatives. For more on the CHS Foundation and funding initiatives, visit chsfoundation.org.  

The Sterling facility is full on corn and has limited room for soybeans—please call before hauling.